browserstack-client • Readme | API
Class | Description |
AppAutomateClient | AppAutomateClient represents a client for interacting with the BrowserStack App Automate API. ## Index * getPlan — Retrieves the plan information for App Automate. * getDevices — Retrieves the list of devices available for App Automate. * getProjects — Retrieves the projects from the App Automate API. * getProject — Retrieves a project by its ID. * updateProject — Updates a project in the App Automate API. * deleteProject — Deletes a project. * getBadgeKey — Retrieves the badge key for a specific project. * getBuilds — Retrieves a list of builds from the App Automate API. * getBuild — Retrieves information about a specific build. * updateBuild — Updates a build in the App Automate API. * deleteBuild — Deletes a build with the specified ID. * uploadBuildTerminalLogs — Uploads terminal logs for a specific build. * uploadSessionTerminalLogs — Uploads terminal logs for a session. * getSession — Retrieves the session details for a given session ID. * updateSessionStatus — Updates the status of a session in the App Automate API. * deleteSession — Deletes a session in the App Automate API. * getSessionLogs — Retrieves the session logs for a specific build and session. * getSessionDeviceLogs — Retrieves the device logs for a specific session. * getSessionAppiumLogs — Retrieves the Appium logs for a specific session. * getSessionNetworkLogs — Retrieves the network logs for a specific session in a build. * getSessionAppProfilingDataV1 — Retrieves the app profiling data for a specific session in a build. * getSessionAppProfilingDataV2 — Retrieves the app profiling data for a specific session in a build. * uploadMediaFile — Uploads a media file to the App Automate API. * getMediaFiles — Retrieves the media files associated with the App Automate session. * getMediaFilesByCustomId — Retrieves media files by custom ID. * getGroupMediaFiles — Retrieves the group's media files from the App Automate API. * deleteMediaFile — Deletes a media file from the app automate custom media. * uploadAppiumApp — Uploads an Appium app to BrowserStack App Automate. * getAppiumApps — Retrieves the list of Appium apps from the App Automate API. * getAppiumAppsByCustomId — Retrieves the Appium apps by custom ID. * getAppiumGroupApps — Retrieves the list of App Automate apps for the group using the specified fetch options. * deleteAppiumApp — Deletes an Appium app. * uploadFlutterApp — Uploads a Flutter app for App Automate. * getFlutterApps — Retrieves the list of Flutter apps for Android. * getFlutterApp — Retrieves the Flutter app with the specified appId. * deleteFlutterApp — Deletes a Flutter app from the BrowserStack App Automate service. * uploadEspressoApp — Uploads an Espresso app to BrowserStack. * getEspressoApps — Retrieves the Espresso apps from the App Automate API. * getEspressoApp — Retrieves the Espresso app with the specified appId. * deleteEspressoApp — Deletes an Espresso app. * uploadXCUITestApp — Uploads an XCUITest app to BrowserStack App Automate. * getXCUITestApps — Retrieves the XCUITest apps available in the BrowserStack App Automate. * getXCUITestApp — Retrieves the XCUITest app with the specified appId. * deleteXCUITestApp — Deletes an XCUITest app. * uploadDetoxAndroidApp — Uploads a Detox Android app or app client to the App Automate service. |
AutomateClient | AutomateClient represents a client for interacting with the BrowserStack Automate API. ## Index * recycleKey — Recycles the automate key. * getPlan — Retrieves the automate plan. * getBrowsers — Retrieves the list of available browsers for BrowserStack Automate. * getProjects — Retrieves the projects from the BrowserStack Automate API. * getProject — Retrieves a project by its ID. * updateProject — Updates a project with the specified ID. * deleteProject — Deletes a project with the specified ID. * getBadgeKey — Retrieves the badge key for a specific project. * getBuilds — Retrieves a list of builds from the BrowserStack Automate API. * getBuild — Retrieves information about a specific build. * updateBuild — Updates a build in the BrowserStack Automate API. * deleteBuild — Deletes a build with the specified ID. * deleteBuilds — Deletes multiple builds from the BrowserStack Automate API. * getSessions — Retrieves the sessions associated with a specific build. * getSession — Retrieves the details of a specific session. * updateSession — Updates an automate session. * deleteSession — Deletes a session by its session ID. * deleteSessions — Deletes the specified sessions. * uploadBuildTerminalLogs — Uploads terminal logs for a specific build. * uploadSessionTerminalLogs — Uploads terminal logs for a session. * getSessionLogs — Retrieves the logs for a specific session. * getSessionNetworkLogs — Retrieves the network logs for a specific session. * getSessionConsoleLogs — Retrieves the console logs for a specific session. * getSessionSeleniumLogs — Retrieves the Selenium logs for a specific session. * getSessionAppiumLogs — Retrieves the Appium logs for a specific session. * getSessionTelemetryLogs — Retrieves the telemetry logs for a specific session. * uploadMediaFile — Uploads a media file to the BrowserStack Automate API. * getMediaFiles — Retrieves the recent media files from the BrowserStack Automate API. * deleteMediaFile — Deletes a media file. |
JSTestingClient | Represents a client for interacting with the BrowserStack JavaScript Testing API. ## Index * getAccountStatus — Retrieves the account status. * getBrowsers — Retrieves a list of browsers from the server. * createWorker — Creates a worker for JS testing. * getWorkers — Retrieves a list of workers. * getWorker — Retrieves a worker by its ID. * deleteWorker — Deletes a worker by worker ID. * updateWorkerURL — Updates the URL of a worker. * getWorkerScreenshot — Takes a screenshot of a worker. * ensureWorkerRunning — Awaits a worker with the specified workerId to attain "running" status. * launch — High-level abstraction for launching a worker-browser with the specified options. |
LocalTestingBinary | Represents a client for interacting with the BrowserStack Local binary and APIs. Extends features of LocalTestingClient for the node.js runtime. Download, spawn, and control the BrowserStack Local binary. ## Index * version — Retrieves the version of the local testing binary. * start — Starts the BrowserStackLocal daemon. * stop — Stops the BrowserStackLocal daemon. * getBinaryInstances — Retrieves a list of recent Local binary instances from the server. * getBinaryInstance — Retrieves details of a Local binary instance from the server. * disconnectBinaryInstance — Disconnects a binary instance. |
LocalTestingClient | Represents a client for interacting with the BrowserStack Local API. ## Index * getBinaryInstances — Retrieves a list of recent Local binary instances from the server. * getBinaryInstance — Retrieves details of a Local binary instance from the server. * disconnectBinaryInstance — Disconnects a binary instance. |
ScreenshotsClient | ScreenshotsClient represents a client for interacting with the BrowserStack Screenshots API. ## Index * getBrowsers — Retrieves the list of available browsers for taking screenshots. * createJob — Creates a new screenshots job. * getJob — Retrieves the details of a screenshots job. * trackJob — Tracks the progress of a screenshot job and retrieves the screenshots associated with it. * launch — Launches a screenshots job with the specified parameters. |
Interface | Description |
BrowserStackOptions | - |
LocalBinaryFolderTestingFlags | - |
LocalBinaryServerTestingFlags | - |
ProxyParams | - |
Type Aliases
Type alias | Description |
APIFetchOptions | - |
ErrorContext | - |
LocalTestingBinaryOptions | - |
LocalBinaryFlags | - |
LocalTestingOptions | - |
Enumeration | Description |
FlutterPlatform | - |
Namespace | Description |
BrowserStack | Represents the BrowserStack API namespace. |